
COO首席运营官 40-60k·15薪
苏州-工业园区 10年以上 统招本科
年终奖金 绩效奖金 领导好 发展空间大 管理规范
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  • 汽车行业
  • 制造业
  • 经营管理
  • 战略规划
  • 运营管理
岗位职责: 1、 Manage the operation of the company's business to ensure stable growth in company performance. 1) Assist GM in confirming the company's strategic positioning and setting future medium and long term development strategic directions and propose achievable specific plans. 2) Fully responsible for the preparation, expansion, planning, operation management. Based on the company's development strategy, formulate, and implement annual development and operation plans, and achieve operational efficiency improvement and operational capability improvement. 3) Achieve annual strategic goals, take responsibility for performance, and achieve sustained and stable growth. 2、 Manage and optimize Project management, Assembly, Purchasing and Service departments and improve processes. 1) Enhance the combat capabilities of functional departments, clarify their responsibilities and assessment standards, to achieve more efficient management and daily operations, as well as reasonable allocation of resources among various departments. 2) Improve the construction of institutional systems, strengthen execution through normalized budgeting, supervision, and performance management, continue to improve the level of standardization, refinement, and informatization management, and strengthen supervision, guidance, and services for functions and processes; Establish a scientific, reasonable, and fair incentive mechanism to promote the smooth completion of the company's business indicators and tasks. 3、 Implement a system for building talent echelons. 1) Recruit, train, and develop a team of executives with high-level professional abilities and a strong sense of responsibility. 2) Reserve excellent succession strength for the rapid development of the group, while helping to build a good work atmosphere, so that employees can work with clear goals, a comfortable mood, and obtain good career development opportunities. 4、 Effective team collaboration mechanism. 1) Establish an internal information system for the company, promote the management of Project management, Assembly, Purchasing and Service departments, and be responsible for coordinating the work of various departments. 2) Maintain and develop internal and external relationships in all aspects, manage and motivate the work performance of the department. 任职要求: Degree:Bachelor's degree or above (Master preferred) in Mechanical, Mechatronics,Automation, or other related engineering major Professional Experience: 1. At least 5 years of experience in senior operational management positions. 2. Have rich experience in operations, project management, production management, logistics management, quality management, safety management, and cost control, risk control. 3. Possess modern enterprise management concepts, strategic planning abilities, leadership abilities, and organizational coordination abilities; Having foresight and the ability to control the overall situation. 4. Strong leadership ability, brave to take responsibility, good at communicating with others. 5. Strong analytical, decision-making, and stress resistance abilities, excellent planning, organizing, commanding, leading, and controlling abilities. 6. Excellent (close to native) verbal and written communications skills required in both English and Chinese.


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  • a. 扣押您的身份证件或者其他证件;
  • b. 要求您提供担保人、担保金或者以其他名义向您收取财物( 如培训费、体检费、资料费、置装费、押金等);
  • c. 强迫您入股或者向您集资;
  • d. 以招聘名义牟取不正当利益;
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  • f. 存在其他损害您的合法权益的行为。
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