
亚太工厂运营总监 - 须质量管理经验丰富 50-80k·18薪
苏州-太仓 经验不限 本科
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  • 质量管理
  • 精益管理
  • 价值流
  • 持续改善
  • 持续改进
  • 机械制造
  • 非标件
【集团运营总监】- 需质量管理经验 欧美独资制造业外企岗位 Scope: 亚太地区工厂+Corporate 集团内部 要求 1. 全日制本科 2. 15年质量管理经验 3. 3年以上集团总部质量管理经验 4. 英文流利 5. 45岁以下 职位职责 1. 负责推动产品质量改进,控制质量成本,帮助消除浪费,实现组织目标。 2. 负责推动设备、工具、技术和其他影响生产能力的因素的改进。 3. 通过Leader标准工作支持ISO和其他公司标准实践和程序,如质量管理系统(QMS)和业务运营系统(BOS)。 4. 提供问题解决方法、实验设计(DoE)、故障模式和影响分析(FMEA)和控制计划方面的培训和发展。 5. 负责不合格材料的审查;领导团队开发和协调材料返工,同时最大限度地降低公司成本。 6. 与产品质量团队一起评估现场和内部故障,并帮助解决问题和分析根本原因。 7. 监督加工活动,包括设计、订单、维护、量具;并满足与工程或加工相关的客户要求,即FMEA、流程图和问题解决。 Position Responsibilities - Responsible for driving product quality improvements with ownership of the Cost of Quality to help eliminate waste and meet organizational goals. - Responsible for driving improvements to equipment, tools, technologies and other factors impacting production capability and capacity. - Supports ISO and other company standard practices and procedures such as the Quality Management System (QMS) and Business Operating System (BOS) via Leader Standard Work. - Provide training and development in problem solving methods, Design of Experiments (DoE), Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) and Control Plans. - Responsible for Non-Conformance Material Reviews; lead team in developing and coordinating rework of materials while minimizing cost to company. - Evaluate field and internal failures with the Product Quality Team and aid in problem solving and root cause analysis. - Supervises tooling activities, including design, order, maintenance, gages; and fulfill customer requirements relating to engineering or processing, i.e. FMEA, flow charting, and problem solving. 任职资格 1. 要求学士学位。 2. 需要10年以上的制造工程和质量管理经验。 3. 深入了解、理解和应用APQP工具,包括工艺流程、工艺FMEAs和控制计划,以满足质量和可靠性要求和目标。 4. 工程系统经验,包括CAD、PLM和MES系统。能够参与设计评审,并在验证和鉴定过程中提供帮助,包括安全和人体工程学。 5. 具有精益原则和技术的经验,包括可视化管理、改善、价值流图、周期时间减少和流程平衡、5S、设置减少(SMED)和看板。 - Bachelor’s degree required. - 10+ years of experience in manufacturing engineering and quality management required. - In-depth knowledge, understanding and application of APQP tools, to include process flows, process FMEAs and control plans, to meet Quality and Reliability requirements and targets. - Experience in engineering systems to include CAD, PLM and MES systems. Ability to contribute in design reviews and assist during validation and qualification, to include safety and ergonomics. - Experience with lean principles and techniques to include Visual Management, Kaizen, Value Stream Mapping, Cycle Time Reduction and Process Balancing, 5S, Set Up Reduction (SMED), and Kanban.


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