
人力资源专员/助理 5-6k
武汉-洪山区 经验不限 学历不限
曹女士 1天前在线 已认证
团队成员 · 敢为互联
  • 岗位配置招聘
  • 入职管理
  • HRBP
  • 社会招聘
  • 教育培训
Job Description Join Us - HR Assistant TTJ is owned and operated by Ganwei Internet&Tech Co., Ltd.
Launched in late 2017, TTJ is on the march to its mission: contribute to the development of a better international education eco-system by globally attracting outstanding educators to China.
 TTJ(以下简称TTJ)由「敢为互联」科技-kaiyunI体育官网网页登录入口-ios/安卓/手机版app下载创立和运营,上线于2017年。TTJ致力于通过吸引杰出的教育人士来到中国,促进中国国际教育生态系统的更好发展。 Job Title | 职位名称: HR Assistant | 人力资源助理 Job Level | 职级: Assistant or Specialist | 助理(或)专员 Job Type | 工作种类: Full-time | 全职 Report to | 汇报人: HRBP | 
人力资源业务伙伴 Job Responsibility | 工作职责: Core Responsibilities | 核心职责: 作为公司人力资源中台,通过持续性的对外招聘工作,助力组织人才发展。 Recruitment Management| 招聘管理: 1. Get trained and search qualified internal candidate resume through different recruitment platforms; 
接受培训,在不同的招聘平台上搜索合适的内部候选人简历; 2. Contact and arrange interviews with candidates via telephone/email to support recruiting process .
 通过电话/邮件等方式与候选人进行沟通和预约面试,辅助招聘进程。 Training & Development | 培训发展: 1. According to the requirements of the company's development and SOP, assist in optimizing the company's training system and ensure its implementation, regularly review and update relevant training materials, and ensure the achievement of the team's learning objectives through continuous supervision and assessment;
 根据公司发展和SOP的要求,协助优化公司培训体系并保证其落地,定期回顾和更新相关培训材料,通过持续的监督和考核确保团队学习目标的达成; 2. Assist to deliver newcomer orientation training.
协助进行新员工入职基础培训。 Coordinate, manage and lead the company's recruitment team to provide necessary support for the team's business success.
Staffing |员工管理: 1. Assist to complete other HR related tasks, such as employee’s personal files management, contracts management and the other kinds of employee relationships; 协助完成人力资源部门的其他工作,如员工档案管理、合同管理以及其他员工关系管理相关工作的跟进和执行。 2. Assist to manage all HR processes including onboarding, social security, employee benefits, exit processes and so on.
协助进行人力资源工作相关流程的管理,包括入职,社保,员工福利,离职流程等。 3. Assist in the preparation, launching and full implementation of performance management.
 协助准备、启动和全面实施绩效管理。 Admin | 行政事务 1. Assist general manager with policy management, meeting management and construction of leadership authority.; 协助总经理实行公司政策管理、会议管理,进行领导权威建设; 2. Responsible for office supplies, electronic equipment and other materials procurement and management;
 负责公司办公用品、电子设备等物资的采购和管理; 3. Responsible for organizing/assisting in the month's team building activities;
 负责组织/协助当月团建活动的开展; 4. Assist in the preparation of recruitment activities;
 协助公司招聘活动的筹备; 5. Other related administrative affairs.
 其他相关行政事务。 Promotion Path | 晋升路径: Assistant - Specialist -Senior Specialist 助理 - 专员 - 高级专员 Working Schedule | 工作时间: Full-time: Monday - Friday 9AM - 5PM 全职:周一至周五 上午九点至下午五点 Office Location Option | 办公地点: Remote working plan
远程办公方案 Requirements Job Requirements | 职位要求: 1. A bachelor's degree is mandatory, Business/Education/HR major is a plus;
 至少有学士学位,商务/教育/人力资源管理等专业优先; 2. A good command of English (no lower than IELTS 5.5 ,CET 6 or other equivalent score);
 有良好的英语水平(雅思5.5分以上,英语六级或其他英语评级体系同等分数); 3. The assistant level requires 0-1 years of relevant experience, and the specialist level requires 1-2 years of relevant experience;
 助理级别要求1年相关经验,专员级别要求1-2年相关经验 4. A great communicator and a quick learner; 
善于交流,善于学习; 5. An ambitious goal-achiever and a multi-task handler;
 行动力强,注重完成目标,擅长同时处理多项任务; 6. Be able to work under pressure.
 有良好的抗压能力。 7. Be familar with SNS operation is a plus.
 如有社交媒体运营相关经验(如微信推文、短视频编辑),是加分项目。 Benefits Salary and Benefits | 薪资与福利: Standard annual salary for ‘HR Specialist’ is ranging from ¥77,000 ~¥90,000 before tax. “人力资源专员”的基本年薪在税前¥77,000 ~¥90,000之间。 Standard annual salary for ‘HR Assistant’ is ranging from ¥67,000 ~¥74,000 before tax.
 “人力资源助理“的基本年薪在税前¥67,000 ~¥74,000。



TopTutorJob is owned and operated by Ganwei Internet&Tech Co., Ltd.
 Launched in late 2017, TTJ is on the march to its mission: contribute to the development of a better international education eco-system by globally attracting outstanding educators to China.


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  • a. 扣押您的身份证件或者其他证件;
  • b. 要求您提供担保人、担保金或者以其他名义向您收取财物( 如培训费、体检费、资料费、置装费、押金等);
  • c. 强迫您入股或者向您集资;
  • d. 以招聘名义牟取不正当利益;
  • e. 发布虚假招聘广告信息;
  • f. 存在其他损害您的合法权益的行为。
2. 如您应聘的岗位属于涉外劳务合作/海外岗位的,请务必核实招聘方对外劳务合作资质取得情况,同时注意自身资金安全,防范招聘欺诈。


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