
商业分析师 G02538 15-22k
深圳-罗湖区 3-5年 本科
年终奖金 绩效奖金 五险一金 带薪年假 节日礼物 有工作餐 集团总部岗位
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招聘主管 · ZURU
Position Overview: ZURU is seeking a strategic and highly analytical Category Analyst to enhance our Business Intelligence capabilities. This pivotal role involves conducting deep-dive category analysis, utilizing business intelligence tools to unveil growth opportunities, and generating actionable insights for product assortment, pricing strategies, and promotional activities optimization. The ideal candidate is an effective communicator, possesses a robust analytical skillset, and thrives in a dynamic environment. Responsibilities: 1. Category Analysis: Systematically collect, analyze, and interpret sales, market share, and consumer behavior data. Utilize statistical methods and software tools such as Excel, Power BI, Python and SQL to reveal underlying trends, and opportunities for strategic category growth. 2. Category Acumen: Become proficient with ZURU’s comprehensive suite of category data sources including Nielsen, Walmart Luminate, CIRCANA, and other market data platforms. 3. Assortment Planning: In collaboration with cross-functional teams, devise and implement dynamic assortment strategies for FMCG and toys, considering market demand, competitive analysis, and seasonal influences. 4. Pricing Strategy Optimization: Perform pricing elasticity studies and apply BI techniques to understand and act upon pricing trends, competitive benchmarks, and consumer price perceptions, aiming to craft pricing strategies that bolster revenue and profitability while aligning with ZURU’s brand ethos. 5. Promotional Planning: Assess and measure the effectiveness of promotional campaigns, devising strategic initiatives to amplify sales and augment brand visibility/awareness within the FMCG and toy segments. 6. Competitive Intelligence: Monitor competitor activities, including pricing, promotions, and product launches, to identify competitive threats and opportunities for differentiation. 7. Performance Tracking and KPI Measurement: Develop and track critical KPIs using BI tools, crafting dashboards and reports to monitor category performance, gauge success against objectives, and pinpoint improvement areas. 8. Cross-Functional Collaboration: Engage closely with the marketing, sales, product development, and finance departments to align category strategies with broader business goals and ensure integrated execution. Qualifications: 1. Bachelor’s degree in data science, Marketing, Economics, or a related field, with a strong foundation in analytical principles. 2. Minimum of 3 years of relevant experience in category management, retail analytics, or related roles, preferably within the FMCG or toys industry; or a master's degree in related field. 3. Strong analytical skills, with ability in statistical modeling, including regression analysis, cluster analysis, and programming languages such as Python. 4. Excellent communication and presentation skills, with the ability to distill complex data into actionable insights and influence cross-functional stakeholders. 5. Proven ability to drive impactful outcomes through the strategic management of product categories, such as assortment optimization, pricing analysis, and promotional planning. 6. Ability to conduct comprehensive market research, with a preference for candidates possessing knowledge of retail industry trends, competitive dynamics, and consumer preferences within the FMCG and toys categories.. 7. Detail-oriented mindset with a passion for problem-solving and continuous improvement. 8. Ability to thrive in a fast-paced, dynamic environment and manage multiple priorities effectively.


《ZURU招聘直播间震撼来袭:这个三月,期待在直播间和你相遇。3月8日起每周三晚19:00-20:00,关注Work at ZURU公众号,直播岗位涉及职能类、研发类、设计类、质检类等多个热招分类职位,一起来微信视频号直播间聊聊ZURU招聘那些事,直播当晚会有多轮奖品大放送,超多岗位等你来撩。》 深圳雨禾是一家创新、充满活力的研发型玩具企业,支持于ZURU集团. 深圳雨禾成立于2013年,位于深圳罗湖文锦渡口岸大楼,地处深圳与香港边界,深圳核心区,距离地铁9号线向西村站仅50米,交通非常方便。 公司办公环境优美、工作氛围轻松活泼,扁平式管理风格。雨禾采取垂直整合策略,确保所有工作高效执行,精准到位。 深圳雨禾主营创新玩具的研发业务,并为ZURU品牌玩具的提供专业的客服服务。公司拥有强大的研发团队,来自世界的研发精英超过200名,每年获得多个玩具行业创新奖项。 ZURU简介 ZURU,2004年起源于新西兰,集玩具设计、品牌、营销、制造为一体,自主研发非标自动化设备,同时专注于智能建筑及快消品等业务。 ZURU总部设在中国香港,在中国、新西兰、美国、英国、意大利、印度等世界各国和地区设超过30个分公司。目前ZURU全球直接聘用和间接聘用超过7000名中外雇员,在中国超过1000家制造供应商提供专业的生产支持。 ZURU玩具产品畅销全球超过130个国家,销售额连续三年的快速增长,已经成长为世界知名的玩具公司之一。 ZURU在国际市场上取得了巨大成功,2018年,ZURU开拓中国市场,因中国市场的巨大潜力实现更大的品牌飞跃。 ZURU,是业内公认飞速发展、具有创新力的明星企业。 ZURU四大产业规划 玩具创新 ZURU的玩具产品巩固了公司的成功。通过对先进、创新的技术投资,ZURU能用具竞争力的价格,销售优质产品。ZURU获得的多个国际奖项,源于我们对产品持续的创新及优秀的执行能力。 自动化 ZURU投入巨资发展自动化生产,使ZURU产品保持成本低、效率高、精度高的优势。在5年之内,ZURU将在玩具行业主导自动化生产与供应。 快消品 ZURU不断开拓新的领域,旗下的婴儿护理产品已经在全球十六个国家上市,ZURU自主研发宠物食品,洗护产品等十多个快速消费产品,将依赖新颖独特的设计和自然环保的理念进入Z世代消费者的家庭。 房屋建筑 ZURU锐意进取,投资颇有潜力的房屋建筑业,行业价值超过一百万亿,有着激动人心的发展空间。ZURU计划建造和运营世界第三大生产基地,占地120万平方米;全自动化生产将彻底改变一个行业! ZURU价值观: 诚信:不信不立,不诚不行 创造:全新思维,打破常规 尽责:敢于承担,责无旁贷 优质:解决问题,追求卓越 适应:灵活永动,勇于改变 热情:拥抱生活,传递能量 团结:同心合力,亲如一家 ZURU薪酬福利: 我们将为您提供有竞争力的薪资和福利待遇,包括但不仅限于: •五险一金 •追加商业保险 •年终奖 •带薪年假 •法定有薪假期 •免费中晚餐 •年度体检 •员工生日 •业余娱乐 •心理沟通及人性关怀


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