
Adv. Sp. Digitalization & Innovation 薪资面议
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Adv. SP-Recruiting · 华晨宝马
Advanced Specialist Digitalization & Innovation Division, located in Shenyang/China Employment - full time   Tasks Work on digitalization and innovation topics by coordinating internal and external resources, to overall drive BBH-6’s digital transformation together with relevant stakeholders to increase business efficiency, customer experiences and data driven management with the application of technology: To analyze the business requirements with the business process behind, then implement the suitable digital solutions with correct needs and direction, manage the time schedule, quality, risk etc... To communicate and promote the D&I concept, topics and solutions by generating the newsletters, organizing the products' trainings for both strategic alignment and digitalization engagement for all staff. To scale out the digital solutions to much more applicable scenes. To make sure all applications meet Cyber Security Policy. To build up the connection with internal and external digitalization & innovation teams in order to leverage the resources, solutions, best practices etc... Key Responsibilities Conduct effective project management of digital projects implementation, together with all relevant stakeholder functions (business counterpart within BBH-6, IT, third party supplier, …) from analyzing, evaluating, providing solution to hyper care and scale out on new requirements to ensure sustainable and value-adding implementation into the core processes and ensure continuous improvement of processes and service Use innovative and Agile approaches to drive projects, achieve milestone achievements in order to boost efficiency and effectiveness for digital topics to pay into BBH-6 digital transformation To identify necessary training needs with strategy and innovative thinking, propose /arrange proper trainings based on business needs and employee development, also evaluate training feedback and continuous optimization Contribute to further development of BBH-6 digitalization strategy in alignment with count parts’ directions (if relevant and beneficial) as well as its communication (internal, to ensure strong commitment of internal BBH-6 staff as well as external, to increase BBH-6 presence in companywide digitalization activities) with the right balance between problem-solving pragmatism and strategic concepts. Engage key stakeholders (e.g. business, IT leadership) to understand the current digital landscape and barriers, assess, analyze current and future business technology needs Taking care on BBH-6 Cyber Security including but not limited to risk assessment of current solutions and developing a strategy and roadmap for overall BBH-6 IT applications, which is in line with BBF-4 IT, to ensure proper cyber risk management incl. data security Be aware of existing- and constantly update knowledge of industry standards, best practices and new approaches from related external enterprises to make use of external idea generation   Qualifications University degree in business, IT, engineering or innovation management in a relevant discipline of an advantage, but no necessity Strong background in project management(PMP Certification), digital reporting incl. dashboard development and analysis Familiar with Agile Working Model Critical thinking, analytical and problem solving skills, assertiveness and confident attitude Affinity to technology, innovation and digital solutions required. Proactively engaged on market trends, leading practices, the latest development and have a strategic, creative, forward-thinking mindset Ability to break down a business problem into its core elements and be able to find technology, data driven solutions by her-/ himself or by searching, finding and utilizing of suitable partners Personal communication skills with effective stakeholder management and ability to build relationships quickly Fluent communication skills in spoken and written English language Knowledge about BBH-6 business' core functions and responsibilities is an advantage, but no necessity Experience in digital-/ technology orientated department within a tech-, automotive-, construction- or consulting- company of an advantage as a project leading role for the implementation of complex digital applications in close cooperation with internal and external partners 4-6 Years Demonstrated ability to deliver successful projects, best with digital and/ or innovation character, in a cross-functional team and act as strong team player while influencing peers and management level 4-6 Years Experience with the application of technology trends such as Virtual Digitalization(AR/VR/3D), Data Analytics, Smart Building, Business Intelligence, RPA, Internet of Things, Big Data and its application to the real estate business 4-6 Years    


华晨宝马汽车-kaiyunI体育官网网页登录入口-ios/安卓/手机版app下载成立于2003年5月,是宝马集团和华晨汽车集团控股-kaiyunI体育官网网页登录入口-ios/安卓/手机版app下载共同设立的合资企业,业务涵盖BMW品牌汽车的生产、销售和售后服务。公司的生产基地位于辽宁省沈阳市,在北京设有分公司,销售和服务网络遍及全国。 目前,华晨宝马汽车-kaiyunI体育官网网页登录入口-ios/安卓/手机版app下载生产BMW 3系(含标准轴距和长轴距)、BMW 5系Li、BMW X1和创新BMW2系旅行车四大系列,超过三十款车型。在沈阳有铁西工厂和大东工厂两个整车生产厂。紧邻铁西新工厂的新发动机工厂已于2016年1月投产,生产新一代BMW 3缸和4缸涡轮增压发动机。 2013年4月,华晨宝马汽车-kaiyunI体育官网网页登录入口-ios/安卓/手机版app下载发布新品牌:之诺。旗下第一款产品之诺“1E”纯电动车于2014年第一季度推向市场,是中国高档ESAV。 截至2015年底,宝马在全国(大陆市场)拥有超过380个4S/5S经销商,在北京、上海、佛山和成都建立了四个大型零部件配送中心。与此同时,在中国拥有一个庞大的宝马专业人才培训网络,包括4个培训中心、15个与当地技术院校进行合作的培训基地,和11个合作钣喷培训点。2015年9月,宝马亚洲培训中心于西安开业,为了适应充满挑战的市场环境,宝马培训-kaiyunI体育官网网页登录入口在2015年尝试多种形式培训相结合,包括课堂培训,在线学习和经销商内训,培训人天达到40万。 领悦数字信息技术-kaiyunI体育官网网页登录入口-ios/安卓/手机版app下载(简称领悦)成立于2019年1月,是华晨宝马旗下全资子公司。领悦的成立是宝马集团在中国实现“以客 户为中心”转型的重要举措。公司为客户提供数字化解决方案和运营服务,带来线上线下无缝链接的专属客户体验。 作为服务供应商和创新孵化器,领悦是宝马集团在中国持续增长、并不断创造价值的核心竞争力之一。公司致力于推动宝马集团在中国市场的市场营销、销售管理及客户生命周期管理等领域的数字化转型。业务范围包括全渠道营销数字化解决方案、提供大数据分析,客户关系管理、电子商务以及数字营销服务。此外,领悦还通过与合作伙伴及第三方合作,为用户提供增值服务,并为宝马集团经销商数字化转型提供培训和支持。领悦与宝马集团各业务部门紧密协作,确保客户在所有销售渠道及客户触点享有一致的品牌体验。 秉承“以客户为中心”的理念与创业精神,领悦致力于以优质的产品和服务为客户和业务伙伴创造价值。公司多元的企业文化吸引了拥有不同专长、经验和背景的人才。以数据为导向的决策原则,快速敏捷的业务模式以及灵活高效的资源管理方式,能够充分激发员工的创造力和积极性。领悦独特的架构体系促进业务人才和IT人才各施所长、优势互补,确保软件开发的快速迭代以及业务流程的快速转型。 凭借清晰的战略定位及高效的组织架构,领悦将切实推动宝马集团全新战略在中国的落地实施。


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