
HR Manager 薪资面议
青岛-即墨区 10年以上 统招本科
袁女士 14小时前在线 已认证
Senior Recruiter · 天纳克
  • 薪酬设计
  • 员工激励
Key responsibilities: 1.Ensures compliance with company policies and regulatory requirements. 2.Leads local and assigned investigations according to company procedures including investigations associated with the Ethics Hotline, EEOC (US Only), Code of Conduct, and Life Saving Elements. 3. Leads site HR team in the execution of HR processes including resource planning, talent acquisition, performance management, employee development and talent review. 4. Drives organizational capability by understanding the plant KPIs; knowing the strengths and weakness of the team and is aware of external opportunities and threats; assessing talent and recommending effective development plans for all levels of team members. 5. Develops and implements training plans to support team member development including compliance, technical skills and leadership skills. Ensures high quality training delivery and training tracking per company standards. 6.Develops annual operating plan (AOP) for HR; reviews monthly and meets AOP commitments. 7. Provides strategic HR counsel to plant leadership. 8.Partners with plant leadership to drive a high level of employee engagement. 9. Leads labor and employee relations activities that drive productivity and efficiency. 10. Provides labor relations counsel throughout the plant with responsibility for grievance administration (in union facilities). 11.Drives continuous improvement on HR processes to ensure optimum efficiency. 12.Communicates employee benefit and compensation programs and other HR company initiatives as required. 13. Partners with health and safety manager to improve safety performance, reduce workers compensation costs and deliver training. 14. Provides leadership to healthcare personnel working on-site (if applicable). 15.Is a positive and proactive company and employee advocate. 16.Networks with local, national and industry associations to stay abreast of best practices. 17.Other duties as assigned.   Ideal candidate experience: 1.University degree or equivalent in Human Resources or Business. 2. 10+ years of professional experience in Human Resources. 3. 3+ years experience in a manufacturing facility preferred. 4.Deep understanding of local and national labor laws. 5.Expertise in candidate sourcing and selection for hourly and salaried employees. 6. Experience developing effective training plans and delivering training. 7.Extremely well organized, thorough and attentive to detail. 8. Demonstrated ability to prioritize, multi-task, and meet deadlines. 9.Decisive with strong analytical and problem-solving skills. 10. Outstanding communication skills. 11. Strong work ethic and willingness to invest the hours necessary to accomplish goals. 12.Demonstrated proficiency with Microsoft Office Products, Platinum, SuccessFactors, SAP and Cornerstone is a plus.  


Tenneco天纳克 (纽约证交所代码: TEN),总部位于美国密歇根的诺斯维尔,是一家集研发、生产和销售汽车空气净化和驾乘性能系统及产品于一身的汽车零部件企业,在行业内享有盛望。 天纳克在全球六大洲24个国家和地区拥有约25,000名员工、89家制造工厂以及14个研发中心。凭借先进的**技术、专业的生产制造和优质的客户服务,2012年实现全球年营业额74亿美元,进军新兴市场并在全球同行业中稳稳占据指引者地位。随着全球大部分市场在轻型车及商用车空气净化法规及标准上的不断严格,天纳克的销售额在未来将获得更为显著的增长。 天纳克自1995年进入中国市场,经历近二十年的发展,成为了这个新兴汽车市场汽车零部件行业中的佼佼者。天纳克中国总部位于上海,在北京、上海、大连、广州、重庆、长春、苏州、成都等20多个大中城市建立了制造工厂,并拥有天纳克全球三大研发中心之一——天纳克中国研发中心。 我们的产品线主要划分为空气净化及驾乘性能两大类,主要产品包括减振器、悬挂系统、橡胶件产品、三元催化净化器、消音器、歧管、SCR、DPF、DOC等。驾乘性能产品品牌“蒙诺”、“万里路”、“韧冲”和空气净化产品品牌“华克”等被广大客户所熟知及认可。我们的客户涵盖了众多的国内外知名整车制造厂商,如一汽大众、上海大众、上海通用、长安福特、北京现代、东风日产、郑州日产、北京奔驰、一汽丰田、沃尔沃、华晨宝马、长安铃木、上海汽车、吉利汽车、长城汽车、一汽解放、神龙汽车等三十多家汽车厂商。 除了汽车零部件,天纳克中国正致力于新型高端技术的研发,主要应用于商用交通、船机等领域,为天纳克中国进军新的市场、开发新的客户提供强大的技术支持。同时,随着全球各地空气净化法规及标准的不断提高,我们相信中国特色的解决方案在不久的将来一定会在天纳克全球市场中异军突起。 在天纳克中国的企业文化中,人才始终是企业最主要的核心竞争力。公司为内部人才的培养和发展制定了一系列的措施和制度,为员工创造良好的学习和发展环境。自2008年至今,天纳克中国连续获得年度中国**雇主、**人力资源典范、**薪资福利典范等光荣称号。


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  • a. 扣押您的身份证件或者其他证件;
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