
Senior Manager, Policy & Public Affairs -Beijing 40-45k
北京-东城区 5-10年 本科
王先生 当前在线 已认证
教务管理 · 辉瑞中国
Job Title: Senior Manager, Policy & Public Affairs China Location: Beijing, China Reports To: Jessie Cheng, Director of Policy and Public Affairs, PPA Local team Position Summary This position is responsible for Pfizer’s in-market engagement with the local government authorities in North China, to shape Pfizer’s operating environment, form collaborations to advance strategic business objectives, and enhance Pfizer’s reputation; as well as protect Pfizer business and the critical issue management in key markets. The role also involves building and maintaining effective relationships with external and internal stakeholders to ensure strategies are aligned with Pfizer business objectives.  Responsibilities Policy and Public Affairs Lead the development and implementation of Pfizer’s strategy in North China. Enhance Pfizer’s profile and reputation among key local government stakeholders through effective stakeholder engagement and relationship management. Advocate for a favorable operating environment for the pharmaceutical industry and, as appropriate, access to Pfizer medicines and vaccines. Serve as primary liaison to Local Government, including but not limited to: Governor/Vice Governor, Commerce Department and other agencies related to Pfizer business, as well as government think-tanks to advance advocacy efforts. Implement projects, as required, to support advocacy efforts.  Lead crisis management efforts, as directed. Build and maintain strong cross-functional relationships, including with global/regional policy teams. Partner with relevant functions (BUs, Market Access, Regulatory, R&D, Innovation, etc.) to coordinate seamless, unified Pfizer representation to Chinese Government and ensure aligned Pfizer policy positions and strategy for engagement with Chinese authorities. Qualifications Holds a bachelor’s degree (or above) in health, politics, public administration, law, economics, or a related field. Has a minimum 5-8 years’ experience in politics, market access, public administration and/or corporate affairs. Experience working in a multinational company. Has the network with a proven ability to establish and maintain effective partnerships. Understands the administrative procedures, guidelines and working models of government. Understanding of the healthcare environment in China and the high potential to advance policy issues related to health systems, industry policy and regulatory reform. Demonstrates an ability to lead by example, upholding Pfizer’s core values and behaviors: courage, equity, excellence, and joy. Has written and oral communication skills and is fluent in both English and Mandarin. Pfizer is an equal opportunity employer and complies with all applicable equal employment opportunity legislation in each jurisdiction in which it operates.


辉瑞公司(Pfizer Inc.)创建于1849年,总部位于美国纽约,是一家以科学为基础的、创新的、以患者为先的生物制药公司。辉瑞的使命是“为患者带来改变其生活的突破创新”。 在辉瑞,我们通过科学和全球资源为人们提供治疗方案,以延长其生命,显著改善其生活。在医疗卫生产品的探索、研发和生产过程中,辉瑞始终致力于奉行严格的质量、安全和价值标准。 我们在全球的产品组合包括创新药品和疫苗。每天,辉瑞在发达和新兴市场的员工都在推进人类健康,推动疾病的预防、治疗和治愈,以应对挑战我们这个时代的顽疾。 辉瑞还与医疗卫生服务方、政府和社区合作,支持并促进世界各地的人们能够获得更为可靠和可承付的医疗卫生服务。这与辉瑞作为一家全球卓越的创新生物制药公司的责任是一致的。170余年来,辉瑞一直致力于为所有依赖我们的人带来改变。 辉瑞于1989年进入中国市场。扎根中国30余年,辉瑞已成为在华主要的外资制药公司之一。2021年是辉瑞新征程的开始。迄今已有170余年历史的辉瑞正在迈入全新时代,成为一家以科学为基础的、创新的、以患者为先的生物制药公司。目前辉瑞在中国业务覆盖全国300余个城市,累计投资超过15亿美元,并设立了1家先进的生产设施,2个研发中心(分别位于上海张江高科技园区和武汉光谷),在华有近7,000名员工分布于业务、研发和生产等领域。辉瑞在华上市了五大领域的高品质创新产品,包括肿瘤、疫苗、抗感染、炎症与免疫、罕见病等多个领域的处方药和疫苗,强大完善的产品线旨在满足生命各阶段的健康需求。 多年来,辉瑞始终致力于“成为中国医疗卫生体系重要组成部分”,运用全球医疗资源,与社会各界合作,积极推进中国健康事业。未来,辉瑞将继续践行“为患者带来改变其生活的突破创新”的使命,秉承“科学致胜”的理念,以创新为动能,与中国政府部门和社会各界合作,积极引进突破性的创新药物,探索药物可及性创新方案,及时惠及中国患者,助力“健康中国2030”宏伟目标的实现!


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