
T&E Engineer-Covering 模具设备工程师(包覆) 薪资面议
南京-江宁区 5-10年 本科
带薪年假 交通补助 通讯津贴 定期体检 节日礼物 五险一金 技能培训 领导好 管理规范 岗位晋升
职责描述: The Tooling & Equipment Engineer is responsible for the design, specification, follow-up and implementation of the production tools, in line with planning, quality (including industry standards) and cost targets. The main missions of the role are to: ▪ Gather input data from the product design team. ▪ Know how the leather process, especially in cutting, splitting, skiving, sewing and wrapping, develop and optimize the pattern, and lead the operator training for new plant. basic technology for other raw material, textile, foam and glue, give the process proposal according the customer requirement ▪ Participate in the new project transfer, responsible for new process、 equipment, fixture and tooling design and qualification. ▪ Support others function team for the product feasibility analysis, CT improvement and other workshop improvement ▪ Manage process definition and ensure release of tools definition in appropriate Product Data Management (PDM) System. ▪ Prepare and maintain the integrity of tool documentation for final tool acceptance. ▪ Propose and implement product and process improvements to fulfil geometric requirements. ▪ Act as the technical correspondent for the tool supplier (tooling offers and technical design analysis). ▪ Make tools available for plants so that product and process characteristics are under control. ▪ Apply Group standards under the Faurecia Excellence System (FES), as well as other internal and industry standards. 任职要求: The ideal candidate will have/be: ▪ Strong and successful experience on leather process development. contribute on product design, Tooling design, process deployment before SOP and improvement after SOP. ▪ Minimum 8 years experience within a manufacturing environment, preferably in the automotive leather sector ▪ Knowledge and experience in Project Management process ▪ Knowledge of Production System Efficiency basics ▪ Results oriented with strong written and oral communications skills ▪ International mind set ▪ Minimum bi-lingual (English required) ▪ Ability to travel


一、佛吉亚在全球 创立于1997年的佛吉亚集团已发展成为全球汽车零部件科技公司。在全球37个国家建立了248家工厂和37处研发中心,拥有115,5000名员工。佛吉亚在其四大核心产品业务领域:座椅系统、内饰系统、绿动智行系统和佛吉亚歌乐汽车电子。 围绕智享未来座舱和创赢绿动未来这两大技术战略方向提供解决方案。2019年,集团总销售额达到178亿欧元。 二、技术创新引领“智行合一” 智享未来座舱 佛吉亚正在为未来出行打造全新的车上体验,重点关注人机交互、驾乘舒适以及汽车安全。佛吉亚的创新科技将提升未来座舱的适应性和预测性,满足驾乘人员需求,在提升安全性、舒适性和便捷性的同时,增强未来车上生活的互联互通。 创赢绿动未来 减少乘用车及商用车二氧化碳和污染物排放的新法规逐渐在全球范围内推行。佛吉亚围绕“创赢绿动未来”研发的新技术致力于打造更清洁、更轻便的车辆,以提升燃油经济性和空气质量 三、四大核心业务 汽车座椅系统 FAS 佛吉亚作为全球汽车座椅系统制造商,拥有一套完整的汽车座椅产品线: 座椅骨架、座椅电子器件与先进机电系统、座椅部件(面套、发泡、配件)、座椅热舒适度创新解决方案、全方位座椅安全性解决方案 汽车内饰系统 FIS 佛吉亚为各类车型开发和制造整体座舱、仪表板和中控、门板、智能表面、直观化的人机交互界面解决方案、个性化的座舱气温舒适度及空气质量调节方案。 绿动智行系统 FCM 佛吉亚绿动智行系统的专业技术包括:聚焦氢燃料电池和动力电池组的零排放出行解决方案、旨在提升燃油经济性和空气质量的内燃机解决方案、混合动力总成系统能量回收技术、大型发动机超低排放技术。 佛吉亚歌乐汽车电子 Clarion Electronics 整合歌乐、派诺特汽车和佛吉亚好帮手三大公司,将助力佛吉亚成为座舱电子技术和低速高级驾驶辅助系统(ADAS)领域先锋。 四、佛吉亚在中国 佛吉亚于二十世纪九十年代进入中国,在中国已运营逾二十年,在高速增长的中国汽车行业中迅猛发展,并始终将中国市场视为重中之重。佛吉亚中国总部位于上海,目前在华拥有逾17250名员工(包括2090名工程师与技术人员),业务遍布中国所有的主要汽车产区。目前,佛吉亚在中国运营60家工厂,4个研发中心。 五、中国杰出雇主 2017-2020,佛吉亚中国凭借在人才培养与管理、企业文化建设、雇用环境、创新机制、数字化建设等领域的杰出成就,连续4年获得“中国杰出雇主”认证!


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