
EMC(高级)项目工程师 15-20k
上海-松江区 3-5年 大专
五险一金 年终奖金 带薪年假 定期体检 免费班车
马女士 4天前在线 已认证
人事专员 · 必维集团
  • 汽车测试认证
  • 电磁兼容项目
  • 三方检测机构
  • 汽车主机厂
Duties & Responsibilities: - Responsible to testing plan on EMC laboratory by laboratory manage. - Independent handling OEMs project, review test plan, be initiative to communicate with client for test requirements, prepare test template, check the status of sample, follow the schedule to push the project. - Test products according to EMC standards, create test plans and complete them independently within the project cycle. - Good teamwork and cooperation with test engineer, guide them to complete test work, check test data, analyze test results and write test reports, give a necessary support to test engineer. - During test, deal with the deviation and problem, review test result, prepare report on time. - Independ researching new requirement, prepare simple test fixture and soldering skill. - Complete the corresponding technical documentation according to the company's quality management requirements. - Good communication with client on technical and project to ensure on-time delivery of reports and certifications. Skills and Requirements: - Reliable to hard work - Coordinate the test team to carry out the test activity in consistent with standard procedures & quality system. - Ability to perform multiple tasks. - Individual and Team work ethic. - Electrical and mechanical aptitude. - Knowledge of computer application in relevant software - Test Plan Review - Product functional, accessory preparing - Solve problem during test. - Supervise the test process and instruct engineer to test. Education & Experience: - 5+ years working experience in TIC industry as Project Engineer or above will be preferred. - Good command of written and spoken English. - Knowledge of computer application in relevant software. - High diploma/ degree in vehicle engineering.


法利投资(上海)-kaiyunI体育官网网页登录入口-ios/安卓/手机版app下载是必维集团下属子公司。 必维集团(Bureau Veritas,简称必维)成立于1828年,是测试、检验和认证服务的行业推进者。“必维”通过提供优质的服务来帮助客户应对在质量、健康、安全、环保和社会责任方面不断增加的挑战。 作为值得信赖的商务伙伴,"必维"提供的创新性解决方案不仅帮助客户符合法规和标准的要求,更为客户降低风险、提升业绩表现并促进其可持续发展。 "必维"的核心价值是诚实守信、客观公正、客户至上、安全工作。 "必维"已获得绝大多数国家和国际组织的认可和授权。


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