
质量工程师 12-23k·14薪
苏州 5-10年 本科
五险一金 年终奖金 绩效奖金 带薪年假
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1. Lead the company-wide compliance audit and identify the gaps and drive the process compliance. 2. Actively support CQMS Certification , CPS, BIQ implementation as well as 5S. 3. Developing IQC training programs, providing training courses of quality specifications to employees, 4. Conducting internal quality audits, facilitating management reviews, etc. 5. Developing plans and tools that are used to implement or support global quality systems or related process i.e. Cost of Poor Quality, quality certifications. 6. This position need work with all employees to improve quality practices in their processes through quality manner such as daily coaching, tracking Quality Continuous Improvement related projects & Scorecard, 7. This position need implement the Corrective and Preventive action processes by clarifying and verifying all ideas with related persons and spot check, explain the validation reasons, and encourage all employees to make contributions to achieve zero defect in operations 8. This position is required to be proactive to develop quality related control methodologies and systems such as Cost of Quality control company-wide. Encourage the implementation of the established systems. Analyze and solve problems occurring during implementation. 9. The position's primary customers are internal. typical internal customers include employees from two or more work groups in a Division. 10. Impacts key quality goals including Continuous Improvement, Process Quality, Part Quality, Internal Quality Certification, CQMS Certification, etc. 每周2-3天需要去无锡工厂,有班车。地点:无锡新吴区新庆南路5号


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