
二手集装箱高级项目经理 15-25k·14薪
上海-宝山区 3-5年 本科
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  • 二手集装箱
  • 货柜
岗位职责: 1.负责制定二手箱发展计划,打通运营供需链。 2.负责国、内外二手集装箱供应渠道和客户资源开发,负责或协同销售团队完成销售目标。 3. 调研各区域市场容量及行业动态信息; 4. 及时收集、反馈客户以及竞争对手订单信息。 5. 主动了解和分析客户需求,判断客户需求痛点,为客户提供双赢解决方案; 6. 理解上级和团队整体业务发展方针、计划以及下达的任务,并贯彻计划和任务的执行; 7. 协助或负责商务谈判,完成合同签订、货款回收、渠道维护等工作,并进行信用额度管理和风险控制;能够协同销售支持团队及时完成订单执行; 8. 建立良好客户关系,维护企业形象和利益; 任职资格: 1. 统招本科及以上学历; 2. CET六级及以上,英语口语沟通无障碍,熟练使用office软件; 3. 较强的客户服务意识,以满足客户需求为导向开展工作; 4. 强烈的进取心较强的逻辑思维能力,工作严谨; 5. 有船公司、货代公司、贸易公司、集装箱厂等相关企业工作背景者优先。 6.有俄语、西班牙语等小语种特长者优先。


CIMC Intermodal Equilink Co., Ltd. (CIMC Equilink”) with the staunch support from CIMC Group on resources, is focusing on providing container spare parts, new and used containers, vehicle spare parts and other logistic tools. The company was previously the spare parts service center operated by CIMC Tianjing. It started to operate since 2003 and has established long term business relationship with many clients and suppliers in the industry over the years. CIMC Equilink was established in Shanghai in March 2019, with a registered capital of RMB 100 million. CIMC Equilink is committed to build the“ One-Stop” supply and service platform by providing spare parts, logistics equipment and tools, and understanding deeply the various needs of its clients. With its business experience in the industry over the years and its extensive resources within the CIMC Group, the company will further integrate the fragmented needs of its clients worldwide. In light of its aim of establishing a“ One-Stop” service platform, also as the core competitiveness of its business, the company will always be committed to provide its service, techniques and products all at the highest standard of the industry for customers in both domestic and overseas market, especially various SME customers, and strive to become the front-runner in the industry providing integrated supply and service fully trusted by customers. 中集宜客通零部件-kaiyunI体育官网网页登录入口-ios/安卓/手机版app下载(“中集宜客通”)依托母公司中集集团的强大资源优势,提供集装箱配件、新旧集装箱、车辆配件和物流工具等各类产品,广泛服务国内外客户。 宜客通前身为天津中集托管的零配件部门,***于2003年投入运营,发展十几年来积累了丰富的国内外市场以及产品资源。公司于2019年3月在上海正式成立,注册资金为一亿元人民币,力争打造全球化“一站式”服务平台。 公司致力于成为行业内提供综合服务的领跑者,深入挖掘客户痛点,凭借自身多年的业务基础以及中集集团内的广泛资源,进一步整合国内外对于零部件等产品的碎片化需求,以打造“一站式”服务平台为理念,为国内外各类中小企业提供一流的服务、一流的技术、一流的产品,全面打造公司的核心竞争力,成就行业品牌。


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