
SAS Programmer SAS程序员 10-25k·14薪
成都-高新区 3-5年 本科
年终奖金 交通补助 通讯津贴 餐费补贴 节日礼物 优秀员工奖 定期体检
职责描述: 1.Development and documentation of programs used in the production of computer generated outputs for clinical study reports, registration and submission documents, publication requirements plus any other document used to present clinical trials data 2.Communicate with statistician and medical manager to fully understand analysis requirements for assigned clinical projects 3.Perform all SAS programming tasks with high quality in the agreed timeline, and work closely with data management to assure data quality 4.Participate in review of protocol, statistical analysis plan (SAP), data management plan (DMP) and case report form (CRF) 5.Preparation of electronic submission of clinical data 任职要求: 1.BSc, MSc or equivalent experience in information technology, mathematics, statistics or medical documentation 2.In-depth knowledge of Base SAS, SAS/STAT, SAS Graph, SAS SQL and SAS Macro Language. SAS Certification is preferred, not required 3.Knowledge of relevant internal and external standards and guidance for clinical development (CDISC, EMEA/FDA, ICH-GCP etc.) 4.Effective communication skills and ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with study team members 5.Ability to work under pressure and manage multiple projects simultaneously 6.Solid analytical and problem solving skills paired with strong attention to detail 7.Experience in CDISC, aCRF and XML is preferred 8.2-6 years of related experience


Novotech(诺为泰)立足亚太、面向全球,是专业的生物技术合同研究组织(CRO)。 诺为泰是家包含实验室、I期临床中心、药物开发咨询服务和专业FDA法规服务的临床CRO,拥有超5,000项临床项目经验,包括I 期至IV期临床试验。诺为泰专注于服务在亚太、美国与欧洲等地进行临床试验的生物技术客户。诺为泰目前在全球34个办公地点共拥有3000多名员工。


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