
整车可靠性工程师 薪资面议
北京-怀柔区 5-10年 统招本科
五险一金 绩效奖金 带薪年假 团队聚餐 定期体检 免费班车 发展空间大 公司规模大 技能培训 餐费补贴
张女士 1天前在线 已认证
梅赛德斯奔驰卡车HRBP-研发采购业务 · 福田戴姆勒
  • 可靠性测试
We are the Mercedes-Benz Business Unit in the Joint Venture Beijing Foton Daimler Automotive. Our team focuses on development activities for the localized Actros Truck. We leverage our worldwide engineering network, we work with global engineering teams hand in hand. Are you eager to shape the future of Mercedes-Benz Truck in China in an international environment? Then you’re the right person for this position! 我们是北京福田戴姆勒汽车-kaiyunI体育官网网页登录入口-ios/安卓/手机版app下载的梅赛德斯奔驰事业部。 我们的团队专注于本地化Actros卡车的研发。 我们借助国际化研发布局,与全球研发团队紧密协作。 你渴望在国际化氛围中,面向中国市场,塑造奔驰卡车的未来吗?那你就是这份工作的不二人选! Job responsibilities • Built up of reliability growth testing for Mercedes-Benz Business Unit in China. Establish the method and testing procedure in close co-operation with Daimler colleagues in Europe. Contribute to further improve our testing procedure for reliability growth testing. • Organizing vehicle reliability growth testing for the new Mercedes-Benz Trucks Business Unit inside BFDA: Be responsible for a testing vehicle that performs a predefined test program with a dedicated driver. • Train, guide and monitor the drivers and ensure that the test is performed according to the test specification. If necessary organize drivers for a 24/7 driving scheme and if necessary be available via phone to support the drivers. • Document and preserve failed parts and malfunctions. Analyze malfunctions and document them in the appropriate systems. Ensure that the vehicle's status is according to test requirements. Make sure that schedule maintenance etc. is done according to plan and that unforeseen repairs are finished quickly. Organize regular vehicle checks. Check the vehicle regularly yourself. • Collect the available test data, interview the driver and aggregate the available test data and the subjective feedback to meaningful test result. Document the test procedure, the test results and the driver feedback. Communicate the test results. If applicable give suggestions for further product improvements. • Research and understand the development trend of heavy duty truck entire vehicle testing standards, test method and test equipment. Education and experience • Vehicle engineering, engineering. • Very good English level in spoken and written required Expertise and qualification • Can work very independently • Knowledge in CAN-data measurement and software release • Familiar with vehicle test methods. Have a good understanding of the vehicle and the vehicle's powertrain • More than 5 years working experience in automotive R & D • Independently and efficiently carry out vehicle tests. Good in analyzing root cause of vehicle malfunctions.
所属部门:MBBU R&D


北京福田戴姆勒汽车-kaiyunI体育官网网页登录入口-ios/安卓/手机版app下载于2012年2月18日正式成立,总投资99.506亿元人民币。福田戴姆勒汽车以用户为中心,引进欧洲卡车制造标准,以及戴姆勒的卡车研发生产技术,打造全新一代高品质重卡。福田戴姆勒汽车建成全球数字化超级卡车工厂,拥有冲压、装焊、涂装、总装四大工艺,形成了行业的全价值链经营体系,目前已拥有120多万用户,800多家经销商,3400多家服务站,2000多家配件店,销售服务网络遍布全国。 福田戴姆勒汽车六大产品系列涵盖欧曼银河、EST-A、EST、GTL、ETX、行星,包括牵引车、载货车、自卸车、专用车等200多个品种,累计产销100万+ ,实现了全面的重卡产品覆盖。


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