
会务/会展经理/主管 18-20k·14薪
上海-黄浦区 5-10年 统招本科
刘女士 12小时前在线
猎头顾问 · 凯睿管理咨询(广州)-kaiyunI体育官网网页登录入口-ios/安卓/手机版app下载
  • 活动策划
  • 展会推广
  • 筹划执行
  • 展会执行
  • 展会策划
  • 会议会展
Responsibilities:  The Event Manager, manages event production for all Corporate Division’s events including but not limited to; assisting in the sourcing of prices for production from suppliers, purchasing of equipment, transport, freight costs etc.  Take the lead client facing role in delivering key live event (including online event/physical event) projects including onsite management.  Write effective and compelling project briefs, presentations, and proposals  Maintain positive client relationships and seek further business opportunities  Brief and manage internal teams to ensure projects are on track and exceeding client expectations.  Manage project budgets from initial brief through delivery and on to final client reconciliation.  Fulfilling the role in compliance with company policies and procedures.  Monitors expenditures consistent with approved budget allocations and/or other budgetary constraints.  Coordinate all rental jobs including crewing, scheduling, rental gear for proper delivery and setup in conjunction, and to ensure the most cost effective methods.  Execute on-site, show set-up and tear-down when necessary, working with both CD, freelance and contracted labor, venue staff and client.  Procurement of new cost effective quality suppliers for production, manufacturing and staffing for events in conjunction with the Corporate Director China.  Management of relationships between Corporate Division’s suppliers so that they understand the professional requirements of MCI and keep them up to date on ways to better service Corporate Division providing a mutually beneficial relationship.  Participate in post-event analysis with Event Team to improve event effectiveness. Operation Management:  Develop and produce innovative, profitable event concepts and budget proposals in accordance with client briefs.


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  • a. 扣押您的身份证件或者其他证件;
  • b. 要求您提供担保人、担保金或者以其他名义向您收取财物( 如培训费、体检费、资料费、置装费、押金等);
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  • d. 以招聘名义牟取不正当利益;
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  • f. 存在其他损害您的合法权益的行为。
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