
Project Execution Director 40-45k·14薪
苏州 10年以上 本科
曹女士 10小时前在线
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  • 风控项目
  • ERP软件
  • ERP系统
Key Responsibilities 主要职责: - Procedures and Process程序和流程:  Identify and frequently update and review the working procedure and process to ensure the applicability and effectiveness for the project organization and execution. 识别并及时更新和审核工作程序和流程,以确保该流程对项目组织架构和项目执行的适用性和有效性。 - Prior Project Execution项目执行前:  Prepare and forecast the execution plan for large projects to ensure the sufficient resource will be mapped and loaded. 准备和预测大型项目的执行计划,以确保足够的资源规划和配置。 - Project Execution and Control项目执行和控制:  Oversee the project handover process to ensure the proper translation of technical and commercial specification and expectation from client. 负责项目移交流程,确保客户的技术和商务规范要求可以正确传递。  Assign and allocate appropriate project organization and resource to secure the proper project execution, including site supervision team resources and missions allocations 安排和配置适当的项目组织架构和资源,以确保适当的项目执行。  Lead the Bi-Weekly project review meeting, make sure the MOM is properly maintained and Actions Plan is issued.  Provide strong support to the Project Cost Controller during the monthly Cost Control Sheet review process.  Oversight the Project Kick-off meeting to ensure the whole execution team will be on the same page regarding the project scope, schedule and challenges. 监督项目启动会议,以确保整个执行团队在项目范围、进度和挑战方面达成共识。  Lead the Monthly Project Review to measure the current milestones, financial results, customer satisfaction, resource, gaps, risks and opportunity. Align the mitigation plan and improvement actions to be taken. 领导定期项目审查,以检查当前的项目节点、财务结果、客户满意度、资源配置、差距、挑战和风险,并协调应采取的缓解和改进行动。  Support PM during key clients projects KOM, PIM and significant clients visit during the execution.  Lead the project closure process to ensure the follow up of remaining risks. supervise the compilation and analyze of the lessons learns. Make sure the Lesson Learns are recorded properly and shared among other PMs and key departments. 领导项目关闭流程,确保后续剩余风险能够被跟踪,分析、记录好的与坏的经验教训并在今后得以改进。 - Risk & Opportunity风险与机遇  Oversight the risk and opportunity assessment to ensure the proper identification and provision loading. 监督风险和机会评估,以确保正确识别和预留风险金。  Define the escalation and alignment process to ensure the awareness of whole organization. 定义汇报和协调流程,以确保整个组织对项目风险的知情。  Lead the periodical risk and opportunity review to ensure the appropriate impact analysis, actions to be taken and movement to be monitored. 领导定期风险和机会的审查,以确保对影响恰当的分析、并采取行动和对行动进行监督。


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